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Silver Lining Moments with Kerry

Sep 23, 2020

A moment of FEELING LOST is lined by NATURE

A SLM conversation with Bart Scholtissen

Silver Lining Moments: a space for conversations, feelings, and ideas that expand love and light

In the episode, Bart Scholtissen shares his journey back to himself from a place focused on pleasing others. We discuss times in which we felt alone, disconnected from ourselves and others, and stuck but afraid of moving forward. I am guessing that many can resonate with these feelings this year.

Bart has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. After dedicating years to his education in earning his Ph.D. (no small task) and then working in academia, he got to a point where was unhappy and lost in life. He asked for help. He worked with a coach. He went out in nature. He connected with nature, himself, and with others. And, now he coaches others outside in nature.

Here are some discussion points in our conversation:

  • Being your best self for others may not be the best for yourself
  • Going from feeling “I am not good enough” to asking “maybe I am worthy enough?” is a positive, momentum-building, leap
  • Being vulnerable enough to ask for help also means you are courageous enough to grow
  • Although you need to do stuff by yourself, you are not alone
  • The more we are in the present moment, the less stress we feel
  • “How am I feeling now?”
  • Human connection is vital. Connection to ourselves is vital. Connection to nature helps us connect with ourselves, which helps us connect with others.

As you listen to this conversation, I hope that you get a true sense that you are not alone. We are together in this moment.  From my conversation with Bart, I realize how:

a moment of FEELING LOST is lined by NATURE.

Thank you for listening to Silver Lining Moments.

By Bart sharing and by you listening, together we are:

expanding love and light,

one person at a time,

one story at a time,

one Silver Lining Moment at a time.